An extract of the works of Behram D. Pithavala


This is an apocalyptic work in Pazend, It is perhaps based on the extinct Vohuman Yasht. It comprises 110 very short Kardas.

Asho Zarathushtra prays for a "deathless" existence on Earth, so that he can continue to propagate the Mazdayasni Religion.

The Yasht starts with a request by Asho Zarathushtra to Ahura Mazda of the fact that of all creations he was advanced most in virtue and Righteousness, he may be granted a deathless existence on Earth in the manner of Peshotan, son of Shah Gushtasp, to enable him to spread the teaching of the Good Mazdayasni Religion throughout the world. Ahura Mazda says that this cannot be done, since if he granted Zarathushtra his wish, Tur-bar-Atur (the Fiery Carrier of all Evil) would also become deathless, with the result that neither Ristakhiz nor Frashokereti could ever take place.

Asho Zarathushtra is shown in a panoramic vision the shape of things to come in Iran and elsewhere.

Seeing that Asho Zarathushtra was sad, Ahura Mazda grants him clairvoyant power whereby he is able to see vividly a clear picture of the Whole Creation - the future upsurge of evil, the fall of Iran, the end of his Ministry and the ultimate revival of his religion at the hands of the future Rainidars, Hoshedar and Hoshedar-Mah.

In the vision Asho Zarathushtra sees many rich, greedy and who had disobeyed religious precepts, passing the inter-life period in Duzakh; he sees the souls of rich and tyrannical persons passing their time in abject penury: he also sees the souls of holy and charitable persons in Behesht, because, during their life on Earth, they had supported the poor and the needy and had kept themselves engaged in prayer day and night; and he also sees the souls of virtuous but poor persons contented with their progeny.

In course of this vision, Asho Zarathushtra further beholds a symbolic tree having seven metallic branches, the golden branch indicating the blessed time of his Ministry and the last branch made of iron depicting conditions prevailing at a later period, when everything that is good will be destroyed, the moral standard of the people will be at its nadir, the wicked people will reach heights of power and the righteous persons will be so subjugated and harassed by them that they will not be able to perform religious rites; there will be a scarcity of rains and wells will dry up; the whole world will appear like a vast "Nasa-Khana, Nashan-gan" or a burial ground.

People will cut and throw hair and nails anywhere they like, even in fire and water and will not experience any disinclination if some kind of "naso" (dead disintegrating matter like meat, fish, etc.) forms part of their food. The Mobeds will not perform religious rites properly. Religious persons will wear the Kushti but without any purity, because whenever they happen to stand there will be 'naso' underneath. Mobeds will take Bareshnoom, but as soon as they come out of their 'pavi'(pure secluded place), they will contact 'naso'. Wicked, lowly persons will compete with the righteous and harass them. Prayers will be offered but without paying any attention thereto. The Arabs, Turks, Armenians and the people wearing black dress and keeping their heads bare will rule over Iran from time to time.

An extract of the works of Behram D. Pithavala

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