By the Grace of Lord Ahura Mazda
Ava Ardvisur Banu beresad
May Ava Ardvisur, the Ahura-created Divinity
of Fertility and Child-birth,
come to our aid, and enable many fruitful marriages among us.
Many Parsi and Irani Zoroastrians desire to find suitable life-partners among fellow Parsi and Irani Zoroastrians. In the old days, match-makers used to go out and search for prospective brides or grooms, and in the Zoroastrian scriptures it is mentioned: "If a Zoroastrian comes among you, seeking a Zoroastrian bride, then give him such a bride."
Since the act of marriage to a fellow Parsi or Irani Zoroastrian is enjoined in our religion, the Zoroastrian Matrimonial page has been started in an effort to enable far-flung Parsi and Irani Zoroastrians to contact prospective husbands or wives from among their own religion and community.
The Zoroastrian Matrimonial page is active on the internet since early 1996. By Dadar Ahura Mazda's Divine Grace, more than 250 marriages between our Parsi and Irani Zarathushti men and women have occured through this page, which is the FIRST of its kind on the internet since many years, and a page that is totally FREE. We have THOUSANDS of members, Parsi and Irani Zarathushti Men and Women from around the world and we are growing every week. After reading the instructions below, please use the following link to enter the Zoroastrian Matrimonial database:
Enter Database |
By the Grace of Dadar Ahura Mazda, we moved the Zoroastrian Matrimonial page (previously a static HTML page updated by hand) to a fully searchable internet database site, in August 2003. Any Parsi/Irani Zarathushti with an entry on the page that is searchable by others (with confidential information that can be hidden), is known as a FULL ACCESS user. A READ ACCESS user is able to search for other entries, and still needs to create his/her own entry, but is not searchable by others.
When creating your entry, you have to supply your full real name, the full names of your parents, and your postal address. Then the Parsi / Irani administrators of the database will check your details (this may include verifying your identity) and approve you as a READ ACCESS only user, within 1-2 days. You can then log in and search for other entries. Search details are in a PDF document below.
Please note: The use of your FULL name as your login name is compulsory. Supplying your parent's full names is compulsory, and this includes both your father's full name and your mother's maiden name.
If you are a totally new Parsi/Irani Zarathushti user, you can add yourself as either a READ ACCESS user or a FULL ACCESS user. After approval, you will be able to use the page. You MUST supply all details such as your full name, the full names of your parents, postal address, and so on, but you will be able to control which information is displayed on your entry ie. you can hide your name/phone number/address when your entry is shown to other people. You will be able to change the settings. The names of your parents will never be shown. Then the Parsi / Irani administrators of the database will check your details (this may include verifying your identity) and approve you, within 1-2 days. If you are a FULL ACCESS user, your entry is then visible to other searchers, and you can also search for other entries. This is recommended since you have more chances of finding your match.
If any of these details such as your full name/parents name/ address are missing and we cant verify your identity, we will NOT approve your entry and we will have to email you to supply them. In this case unnecessary delays may occur before your entry is approved, so please supply all details initially. Please note we are doing this in our spare time and we do not want to keep emailing you to supply all your details. We will simply delete your unapproved entry if you dont respond within a few days. Only entries that have supplied all details will be approved.
For full access users that are displaying their entry, display of email address is compulsory, so if you dont want to be identified via your email address, then please use an email address that does not disclose your identity. You can also have more than 1 email address in your entry, but please use a comma ie. "," in between your email addresses.
We request all Parsi/Irani members of the database to PLEASE UPDATE their entries to married once they get married. Their entries will then no longer be visible to Parsi/Irani searchers.
If you had created your entry a few years ago and are still looking, PLEASE UPDATE your entry with your new age group, and include your country of residence, and the year of birth. The country of residence is now compulsory for new members and also for current members updating their entry. The year of birth is not compulsory but is strongly recommended, it helps people to know your age rather than rely on the age group field, when people move from one age group to the other they often forget to update the age group field.
For searching tips and instructions, please read this PDF document:
Instructions for Search on Zoroastrian Matrimonial page
Remember, both types of access (read only and full access) are FREE. However, please consider making a donation towards the database fees that we have to incur each year. Any amount that you can give is fine, be it 100 Rupees or 10 dollars. Donation details are shown below.
Use of the Zoroastrian Matrimonial page is totally FREE. However, please consider making a donation towards the database fees that we have to incur each year. Any amount that you can give is fine, be it 100 Rupees or 10 dollars. We are seeking donations from our fellow ordinary Parsi/Irani Zarathushtis. Please contact the Parsi / Irani admins by sending an email to , and mentioning that you would like to make donations (any amount, even 10$ or more) directly in many foreign currencies to help towards our Zoroastrian Matrimonial database hosting costs each year. (Note : if Javascript is not enabled in your web browser, clicking on the above email link will not work, in that case just type in the address in your mail client.)
For any inquiries please send an email to the Parsi/Irani admins using the email address given above. However, because this work is being done in their spare time, please wait for a response.
If you get engaged/married to a fellow Parsi/Irani Zarathushti by the Grace of Dadar Ahura Mazda, please log back in and set your entry to "married". After that, your entry will no longer be visible.
To change an existing entry, for example you may wish to reword your description or some other change on your page, simply log in and change it, but note that your entry will have to be re-approved by the admins in 1-2 days.
Optionally, your Photograph can be uploaded with your entry on the Matrimonial page so that an interested party can have a quick look at you. At times, this is very helpful in speeding matrimonial matters along. If you have a scanned copy of your photo, you can log in and upload it. Please note: Due to space limitations, for photos only gif/jpg files of a small size will be accepted. There is no guarantee that even a smaller photo will be placed with the matrimonial entry of the person, it depends on space availability at the time. If you have a web site of your own and your photos are there, you can add the external link on your Matrimonial entry, however we will not allow external links to other non-Zoroastrian marriage sites, even if your entry is there.
If you get a "Session expired" Error: If after you log in you receive a message saying "Your session has been expired", then make sure of the following: In your Internet explorer, select tools..internet options. In the General tab, click on "delete cookies" and then "ok". Then click on "delete files", check "delete all offline content", and then "ok". Click on the Privacy tab, and set your privacy setting to medium. Then click on "apply" and "ok". Restart your browser and try to log in again. It could also be that the date on your computer is incorrect and it makes a cookie expire early or something like that. Check the date on your computer. Also, make sure your browser version is the latest version and not an outdated version.
Thanks for your support of the Zoroastrian Matrimonial Page. By the Grace of Lord Ahura Mazda, our young men and women will find suitable partners among our Parsi/Irani Zarathushti community and marry them, through this Web Page. Atha Jamyat Yatha Afrinami, may it be so as we wish. Amin. Amin. Amin.
Uniting Zoroastrian couples is a religious act enjoined in our scriptures, hence we will, by the Grace of Lord Ahura Mazda, always offer a free service even in this commercial day and age.
Disclaimer: We will not be responsible for any events occuring from the use of this page, of from any contacts made thereof. The personal information available is intended for prospective marriage partners from the Parsi/Irani Zarathushti community only, because it is for this community that this page is intended for, with due respect to all other communities.
Depending on your answers to these questions, your database entry may be approved, but at the sole discretion of the Administrators. No guarantee/promise of any sort is undertaken, this is a free service. Once approved and your entry is visible, if any Parsi/Irani Zarathushti expresses interest and he/she sends e-mail to you, you can decide whether to reply or not. If you answer yes to any of the display questions, your name, and/or postal address, and/or Telephone/Fax will be disclosed on the page, so correspondence can be directly entered into, with a view to matrimony. However, it is entirely up to you which way you prefer. For full access users that are displaying their entry, display of email address is compulsory, so if you dont want to be identified please use an email address that does not disclose your identity.
Please note that incorrect information, and knowingly hiding facts or misguiding is not in the interest of the community. Please be truthful in all respects.
By the Grace of Lord Ahura Mazda, our young men and women will find suitable partners among our Parsi/Irani Zarathushti community and marry them, through this Web Page. Atha Jamyat Yatha Afrinami, may it be so as we wish. Amin. Amin. Amin.
This is a list of people who undertake matchmaking in the Parsi-Irani Zarathusti community.
For matchmaking, please contact any or all of the following persons. These people do matchmaking ONLY between Parsi boys and girls. Those interested can contact them.
We have also been informed that there are a few Zarathushti people who have started 'offering' profiles of non-Zarathushti boys and girls (whose both parents are not born Zarathushtis), to our community members who approach them for matchmaking. Some of them have even shared the details of our boys and girls with non-Zarathushti matchmakers, and the shocked parents started receiving enquiries for their children from non-Zarathushtis!
So please make sure whichever matchmaker you approach does matchmaking between Parsi boys and girls ONLY. It is better to confirm this upfront.
Also please note that some of these matchmakers may charge a nominal fee for their services. This fee is entirely their own, whereas our Database is free and only relies on donations.
Mr. Hoshang Dehnugara
Mobile: +91-98207-47198
Mobile: 9892914549
Other noble Matchmakers in our community:
Ms. Arnavaz Mistry-- 23538009
Ms. Ketty Marfatia-- 8806182524
Mr. Marazban Mani-- 24443725
Dr. Danesh Chinoy
We pay homage to the Fravashi of a noble matchmaker of our community,
the recently departed Mrs. Aranaz Bejan Katrak,
who right upto her very
old age helped our Parsi/Irani Zarathushti boys and girls in finding out
their life partners. Aran aunty, as she was fondly referred to, was
the wife of late Mr. Bejan Katrak, who used to be the Principal of
J.J. School at Fort, Mumbai. She performed this social work without
charging a penny.
May her righteous and noble soul progress to the
Highest Heaven, Garothman Behest, where may she enjoy perfect Peace,
Happiness and Joy in the company of our Dadar Ahura Mazda for ever.
Atha Jamyat Yatha Afrinami, May it be so as we wish.
May Dadar Ahura Mazda grant our community many such Aran Aunties.
Atha Jamyat Yatha Afrinami, May it be so as we wish.
By the Grace of Dadar Ahura Mazda, when it is time for your marriage, another Parsi lady Mrs Mehernaz Vania, can be hired as a Make up artist & hairstylist, expert at complete Bridal dressing including makeup, hairstyle & sari draping. She has been dressing our Zoroastrian brides for over 20 years. She can be contacted at:
Make up artist & hairstylist: Mrs Mehernaz Vania, Shakti Sadan, B/33, laminton Rd, Mumbai 400 007. Land line:- 23099731 Mobile:- 9821187348Please note that the Zoroastrian Matrimonial Page is not affiliated with any of the above and is displaying their names only as a service for interested people.
We also request that you also please help the following worthwhile Zoroastrian Parsi/Irani charities in India:
APPEAL to all Zoroastrians Worldwide: by Rustom C. Chothia
As fellow Parsi/Irani Zarathushtis, it is our duty to encourage marriages within the community only. There are many ways to do this:
Only when the Parsi youth start working as a whole towards furthering marriage within our community only, will we be able to defeat the wrong of inter-marriage which is destroying our forefather's lineage, heritage, culture, community and religion. Inter-marriage is disastrous for any small community and any person with common sense would realize this fact.
Why we should only marry Zarathushtris: A Brief Explanation
Excellent reasons against mixed marriages: by Homi P. Ranina
Some suggestions to combat intermarriage
We dont need an Educational Caste System among the Zoroastrians
The Hindus say inter-marriage is WRONG as well
Additionally, donate to Akshayapatra Midday Meals: Feed school children in motherland India
FOOD SCHEME FOR POOR ZOROASTRIANS by Mancherji Edalji Joshi Memorial Trust